Tuesday, September 22, 2015

          After watching Janine Antoni's amazing works of art, there were two main pieces that stood out to me.  The first one was titled "Cradle".  This piece started off with just a little bent spoon and was cradled in a larger spoon.  This process continued until it was all cradle within a large bucket of a machine.  Seeing this really made me think about one of the most important things in my life and what I assume everyone else craves in life.  That necessity is being cradled and feeling protected.  The spoon in the middle represents us at our smallest, vulnerable state.  Even as we grow and become more independent, her piece shows that no matter what, all life forms will always have the urge to be cradled and protected to feel content within one's life.
          Janine also had a strong piece where she made a sculpture of herself out of chocolate and another out of soap.  She eats herself with herself and she cleans herself with herself.  when she bathes with her sculpture of soap, it takes away all of her features and makes her appearance disappear.  Everyone looks in the mirror and sees their blemishes and wish that they could be erased.  In this work, I see it as her erasing what she doesn't want to see in the mirror as she continues to clean herself with herself.  Janine Antoni's Art is very intricate and provokes very strong messages behind each work. She is amazing at what she does and I am inspired by what I have seen in this video.